Are you looking for Low Back Pain Relief in Kearny Mesa CA?
We specialize in getting patients out of pain fast and without drugs, injections, surgery or 6 month or 1 year treatment plans. We want to get you out of pain as quick as possible and teach you techniques and strategies that will keep you out of pain. The less we have to see you, the better for us and the better for you. We do not prescribe long-term treatment plans, only what is necessary to get you out of pain and fix the underlying cause of the pain.
Yesterday, I had a new patient come into our office who was told they need to see the chiropractor for adjustments 3x per week for the next 6 months!!!! Even the absolute worst case I have ever seen for severe disc and sciatica pain did not need even half of that treatment. If the case is going to be successful then there should be results in the first 2 weeks of treatment and many times after 2-3 visits.
If something seems to be off, then it probably is, trust your intuition when seeking out help for your condition. There are many options and it can be challenging to find the best fit for you.
Here are a few tips to help when looking for the best program and doctor to help you:
1. What does your intuition say? Do you think the doctor is looking out for your best interests or theirs?
2. Is the condition that you are seeking help for, one that the doctor specializes in or just occasionally treats?
3. Do they have positive reviews that are meaningful? Google, yelp and other review pages will let you know this.
4. Have they had personal experience with the same condition you are seeking help for?
5. Have they been helping patients for quite some time with your condition or are they relatively new in practice?
*Dr. Boelk has been specializing in low back pain and disc herniations for the past 16 years. He has performed over 25,000 treatments and has been able to recover his own back from a fracture and multiple disc herniations. He is able to stay active working out, surfing, golfing and playing ice hockey still by implementing his protocols he has developed for his patients on his own back as well.
Hope this is helpful when trying to figure out who to call for help.
Call our office today at 619-298-0800 to learn more and see if you are a candidate for this highly successful treatment.
*Due to current demand, we are limited to the number of cases we can accept and cases are accepted on a first come basis regardless of referral from other doctors, neurologists, surgeons or patients. Thank you for understanding.