Many people suffering from back and neck pain stemming from degenerative disc disease are frustrated by still being in pain after numerous failed treatments including pain medications, injections, physical therapy, chiropractic adjustments, acupuncture and some even surgery.
We specialize in these cases without the use of any invasive therapies.
Spinal decompression therapy is a painless, non-surgical treatment designed to reduce and even eliminate back pain, neck pain, sciatica and radiating arm pain. This modern treatment has shown a high success rate and helps patients avoid back surgeries they would have otherwise needed. If you suffer from chronic, debilitating low back pain, neck pain, sciatica, shooting arm pain, degenerative disc disease, disc bulges and disc herniations. The Spinal Decompression & Chiropractic Center of San Diego has been treating patients and helping them get out of pain successfully for the past 15 years.